Work with me


I have rich experience gained from many different companies and projects. I have worked for tech giants and small product startups; I've been having my own company for three years and have had an opportunity to be CEO, CTO and Team leader in different ventures.

All of the above was possible because I'm passionate about my work; I put my heart into every project I work on. I keep up with all the news in the tech world; that's why I'm using the newest technologies to develop better projects faster with more time spent on creative things. I assume that technology should work for people to make their life easier and more pleasurable; that's why I treat frameworks, languages and libraries as a tool to achieve something more rather than purpose by themselves.
Nevertheless, I'm always trying to keep the technical side of the project on the highest quality level; because of that, I'm paying a lot of attention to producing good quality code, features and the whole projects.

I also have pretty good soft skills that make me the right person to discuss your or your team's needs.


Currently, I'm based in Warsaw, Poland, but it is changing, so in most cases, I work remotely. When you want to contact me about some work opportunity, please add information about the project domain (tech, finance etc.), rate per hour (gross), role description, team and company size, and your needs and requirements.


Of course, you can reach me anytime, but please keep in mind that I'm available in a month or two for more significant projects, for smaller like advisory and audits it varies from a few days to ~two weeks.

On what?

I care about the things I do for work and how they impact our world and people, which means that I will not participate in projects like the below:

I enjoy projects related to nature, space, science, education, creativity, life/company organisation, electronics, robotics or IoT. Of course, those are just examples.

Please feel free to contact me; let's discuss your needs and let's work together


I like to help people learn tech skills; as a team leader, company owner or just a team colleague. I have had the opportunity to work with passionate and very determined people of any age, and it was always a pleasure to help them in their journey to a better carrier. The people I am mentoring now are the best in their fields, working worldwide for the most prominent players like Apple, GitLab, Allegro, CD Projekt and Google.

I'm open to be a mentor for anyone who wants to upgrade their skills and learn new things together, because I believe learning should always be a bundled transaction.

Worth knowing: For students, people in proven hard life situations and people from third-world countries I can offer a special discount

Ask me about mentoring


You can contact me via email: [email protected] in most cases I respond within 24h.